Monday, May 18, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

This is my first time doing this, but the whole list thing appeals to me in so many ways. I hope to join in often!

Monday: Grilled Hamburgers and Brats

Tuesday: Antipasto Wraps and carrots sticks

Thursday: Grilled Chicken Breasts with grilled veggies and bread

Friday: Picnic in the park night- sandwiches, chips, carrot sticks and chocolate chip cookies

Saturday: Leftover Buffet

Scoot on over to I'm an Organizing Junkie who hosts Menu Plan Monday for great menus and recipes.


  1. Welcome to MPM! Your week sounds great, I bookmarked the ravioli crockpot recipe. Yum!!

    Thanks for joining us,

  2. yum -- those bread rolls have my tummy excited :)


Penny for your thoughts!